At times I feel helpless...
Being a Counsellor is not an easy job at all and it often gets me questioning so many things and I often ask myself...
Why is it okay for us as parents to invalidate our children and their emotions?
Why is it okay for our religious leaders to pose as innocent beings but in secret they are addicted to porn and emotionally abuse their families?
Why is it okay for husband and wife to stop talking to each other and live in separate rooms and then their children grow up not knowing how to treat their spouse?
Why is it okay for our children to go to school or to religious institutions and then they are sexually assaulted by their supposed teachers?
Why are we not protected by the very people that claim they are protecting us?
When is this toxicity going to stop?
When are we actually going to realise the old strategy of teaching moral principles is outdated?
Our society is in a sink hole, it cannot be saved by doing the basics anymore.
Our society is getting worse not because we not praying, but because our hearts are veiled.
We need to understand that the heart is the essence of who we are, and the only way to rid and cleanse our hearts is to unpack why it is veiled in the first place.
We cannot change ourselves if we cannot even deal with ourselves.
We cannot show love or give love to anyone around us if we do not even possess it inside of us.
May the Almighty grant us understanding, forgive us for our shortcomings and keep us steadfast. Ameen.
Allah knows best. ♥️
Being Mindful,