mindful healing
Release, Relax, Unwind
Ganeefa Ismail
Specialist Wellness Counsellor
BA (Hons) Psychological Counselling
ASCHP Reg.No. SWC21/912
Mindful Healing
Mindful Healing was established in 2020 and our main focus primarily within the practice is to explore the Person Centred Approach, which means that the client is the focus of the therapy and their own journeys.
The practice is based on a holistic mind-set, and takes into consideration the affects and the importance that family, friends and communities have on the client. Wellness is also integrated within the therapy, because the client needs to focus on not just the mind, but the body and soul too.
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu
Comprehensive counselling support the improvement of the quality of life by assisting adults and adolescents in:
resolving conflicts
improving relationships
sorting out general problems
coping with life’s challenges
finding inner peace
combating their academic and social struggles
stress management
dealing with anxious and depressive moods
Comprehensive relationship counselling will assist in:
attaching meaning to the conflict
developing more adaptive ways of responding to stressors
changing the way that the partners behave with each other
learning how to listen actively and empathically
learning to speak to each other in a more supportive and understanding way
reinforcing the strength in the relationship
Cape Town
South Africa
Email: mindfulhealingcp@gmail.com
Contact Number: +27814710866